
A big thank you to Ash Randall – Guiness Book of World Records ‘Football Freestyler’ who spent the day with us on Monday to kick off Sport Relief week. Ash did a whole school assembly showing off his impressive selection of skills before giving the children an opportunity to ask questions. Ash then worked with some of the lucky classes throughout the day, teaching them a range of new skills. Ash was brilliant with all the children and they all got a lot out of their session. Thank you Ash!

We started the day with a whole school assembly which involved a demonstration of Ash’s super skills. He even skipped whilst doing keep-ups! He also got lots of children involved and held a freestyle battle between Miss Leesley and Mr Ganley! We learnt how Ash has used lots of resilience throughout his life to become as skilled as he is

What a privilege it’s been to have football freestyle world record holder Ash Randall in school all day. Children have watched Ash perform his tricks in assembly this morning and have then had the chance to try them out for themselves! We’ve been so impressed at how well the children listened and learned and how quick they were able to perform some of the tricks!

We had a brilliant day with Ash Randall developing our football freestyle skills. He delivered an inspiring assembly and was able to captivate the attention of each individual pupils like we’ve never quite seen before! They really enjoyed engaging with the workshops throughout the day and have been practising their new football skills in the playground.

On Thursday we had Ash Randall from the Freestyle Football Academy at our school to demonstrate and coach how to do a number of football trick shots. It started with an assembly where everyone sat in awe of the different tricks he could do. He is after all a World Record Holder! Ash even had Mr Marshall try one out. After this, each year group had a 40 minute session with Ash to try these tricks out – catching the ball with their knees, balancing it on the back of their neck, balancing on one leg with the ball on their knee and holding the ball with their chin. What a fun, challenging and exciting day, enjoyed by all.

He led an assembly where he demonstrated some fantastic ball control skills. Then he taught each Key Stage 2 class so that they learned some incredible tricks. It was a totally inspiring day!

He visited our school to discuss aspirations and how the children should aspire to achieve their ambitions. Each class spent half an hour with Ash, learning different football skills, that he has mastered himself. Ash then had a whole school assembly, discussing his aspirations and how the children should strive for their goals.

We were pleased to welcome Ash to school today to deliver his football freestyle workshops to pupils. As part of our overall PE and school sport strategy, we are committed to provide the best opportunities for pupils to engage within sport, activities and a healthy lifestyle.Pupils participated extremely well during the workshops, developed a range of new skills and enjoyed working with Ash throughout the day which culminated in a special display of his skills!

In morning assembly, he put on a fabulous freestyle demonstration of tricks and flicks and an insightful talk. Then, over the course of the day, each class took part in an all action football freestyle workshop in the hall. In this session, Ash introduced them to a range of tricks and challenges gave them tips on how to practice and improve. We already have plans to get Ash back again next year!